How to personalize your tickets for Masters of Hardcore 2025 (step-by-step)
Just before we welcome you back at Masters of Hardcore, please note that it’s required to personalize all tickets in your order to receive them. You need to have your tickets at the entrance.
Please note: if you’re experiencing difficulties with the personalization of your ticket(s) we recommend to follow the steps below on your computer, not on your phone.
Check the instruction below and follow the steps to personalize your ticket(s). Still can’t personalize your ticket(s) or got other questions about ticket personalization? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Lees hier de Nederlandse versie.
Step 1: log in to / create your account
You need a Masters of Hardcore account to personalize your tickets. Visit mastersofhardcore.com/login to login to your account. If you don’t have a Masters of Hardcore account yet, it will automatically be created. Keep an eye on your spam box as our emails might end up in there.
Step 2: click personalization link in your email
Right after you purchased your tickets, you (the main booker) should have received an email from Paylogic ([email protected]) with a request to personalize your tickets / add more information. Please look up this email in your inbox (or spam) and click the personalization link.
If you can’t find this personalization request email, or used the wrong email address, please contact Paylogic.
Step 3: claim or invite tickets
If you bought one of the tickets for yourself, click the ‘claim’ button. This ticket is now personalized with your personal details. Click ‘back’ and you will see that one ticket is claimed on your behalf.
For the other tickets in your order (if applicable), choose ‘invite’. You will now see a personalization link. Copy the link and send it to the friend who will use this ticket. Advice him/her to create a Masters of Hardcore account first (see step 1) and click the personalization link after that.
Important: each email address can only be used once, so make sure to use a different account/email address for each ticket! If you bought tickets before (different order number) and claimed tickets from that previous order already, it will also not be possible to use that account(s)/email address(es) again to personalize.
Step 4: make sure all tickets are personalized
A few minutes after all tickets in the order have been personalized by different accounts/email addresses, the main booker will receive all tickets by email. Make sure to check your spam. If you didn’t receive the tickets, you can use this link to re-send them to your email address. If that still doesn’t work, please contact Paylogic.
In case you put the wrong name on your ticket you can make use of the ‘’name change’’ tool. You can find this tool via the manage order page. Enter the manage order page via the link at the footer in your mails from Paylogic or via here. You can also follow these steps.
See you at Masters of Hardcore 2025!
… and you’re done! Time to get ready for Masters of Hardcore 2024. If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via [email protected].